The Festival in figures

3 different shows
Blue, Red and Gold (Awards Gala)

3 tents
located in Camp de Mart – La Devesa in Girona

33.796 seats to be sold
2.414 in every show of the Big Tent at La Devesa

24 circus attractions in competition
a selection of the best artists
never seen before in European circuses

More than 70 artists from 15 countries
representing 16 circus disciplines

31h of show, 14 performances
spread over the 5 days that the Festival will take place

32 people of the technical team at the show’s service
10 prizes to reward the best artists

300 days of preparation and traveling
more than 200.000 kms realized looking for the best artists

Over 300 people
from all the world to present the Festival

200 air flights for the artists, jury members and international press

3.100 meals served to artists, jury members and staff 
750 nights booked in 4 hotels in Girona